The Corporate Innovation Summit cum Global Matching 2021 aims to provide a platform for start-ups and technology corporation to expand business networks and connect potential corporate buyers and investors. Programs including roundtables, roadshows, matching, VIP tour and luncheon, etc. Featured leading-edge sessions to gather the leaders, influence the leaders and lead the leaders, scaling in today’s evolving Innovation & Technology (I&T) megatrend.
Apex-Brasil has introduced ten local start-ups to urge business interactions with Hong Kong to facilitate advanced trade and investment relations and build deal flow pipeline with a full spectrum of businesses from different verticals and technologies. Take this opportunity to deepen understanding of the Asian business environment and accelerate integration into the Chinese and Hong Kong markets, also build trusted innovation network with Asia.
In order to demonstrate the best investment projects to investors, the ten participated Brazilian start-ups are mainly in the information and communication technology and biotechnology industries, involved in health technology, business process management, software development, artificial intelligence, shared transportation, digital education, etc., which have its own unique technology and superiority in each different field. They are all Brazil’s leading start-ups that closely connected with the international market.
Mr. Augusto Pestana, the CEO of Apex-Brasil said: “Brazil attaches great importance to the development of the technology industry. Hong Kong has always been an important trading partner of Brazil. This is a good opportunity to explore progressive cooperation between Asia corporates with deep technology start-ups, meanwhile give a helping hand to interested overseas investors to understand Brazil’s industry and culture.”
Details of Global Matching 2021:
Date: 26 May, 2021(Wednesday) to 2 June, 2021(Wednesday)
Form: On site with online
The participated Brazil Startup company:
1. Digitalk (Software development, artificial intelligence)
2. EcoStove (Health technology, software development)
3. EMSISTI Space Systems & Technology (Software development, digital education)
4. Five Validation (Health Technology)
5. Hauseful (Software development)
6. HomeCarbon Energy Solutions (Software development)
7. Intcom (Software development, artificial intelligence)
8. Nick Builder (Software development)
9. NTU SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY (Software development)
10. Wiimove (Shared transportation)
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad, and to attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy.
Apex-Brasil organizes several initiatives aiming to promote Brazilian exports abroad. The Agency’s efforts comprise trade and prospective missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international trade fairs, arrangement of technical visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure, and other select activities designed to strengthen the country’s branding abroad.
Apex-Brasil also plays a leading role in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, by working to identify business opportunities, promoting strategic events and lending support to foreign investors willing to allocate resources in Brazil.
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