With COVID-19 cases on the rise and with certain districts experiencing yet another MCO amidst economic uncertainty, Taylor’s University’s Hari Raya video ad ‘Maaf’ hits home with a story of a father apologising to his children over his perceived failures to adequately provide for his family.
The video ad starts off with a disheartening opening scene downcast tone as the main character is revealed to be a single father, who instead of participating in the usual session of his children asking his forgiveness during Hari Raya, turns the tables and asks their forgiveness instead.
But not all is doom and gloom – as the children point out that despite difficult moments, the father has imparted to them nuggets of wisdom, and lessons of optimistic resilience, while he soldiers on with odd jobs and backbreaking labour to make ends meet. His efforts to inspire his children comes full circle, as they now comfort their father, showing him that his life lessons are what matters at the end.
With the Human Resources Ministry declaring that nearly 100,000 Malaysians lost their jobs last year alone, amidst a series of imposed lockdowns that have dampened festive celebrations, ‘Maaf’ is bound to resonate with many Malaysians.
“Over the past year, the lack of celebrations and usual rituals during the pandemic has made many of us look beyond the commercialisation and the embellishments during festive seasons, and go back to the basics of what makes us family, and what makes life worth living for,” said Taylor’s University Group Chief Marketing Officer Ben Foo. “Life will have its ups and downs, wealth may come and go, and challenges in our lives will have an end, but our loved ones and the wisdom they impart to us will stay in our hearts forever.”